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i bought pair of nike shoes but i stll waiting havent arrived yet

  • i bought pair of nike shoes  but i stll waiting havent arrived yet logo
  • i bought pair of nike shoes but i stll waiting havent arrived yet Summary

    i bought pair of nike shoes but i stll waiting havent arrived yet received their first complaint on .

    Information about i bought pair of nike shoes but i stll waiting havent arrived yet was first submitted to Scambook on Jul 28, 2015. Since then the page has accumulated 1 consumer complaint. On average users reported $80.00 of damages.

  • Company Information

  • Phone:Número de Teléfono no está aún en el archivo
  • Correo Electrónico no está aún en el archivo
  • Additional Employees: Ningún Empleado Conocido
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EstadÌsticas de la Empresa

  • Quejas No Resueltas
  • Daños Reportados Sin Resolver $80.00

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